I'm going to try NaBloPoMo again. Last year I made it up to Thanksgiving, but was ultimately thwarted by a lack of internet connection and inspiration. This year I begin my quest encumbered by school and language lessons, but for now I remain optimistic that I'll sack up and manage to at least post a cheeky Youtube clip once a day for the next month.
I've got a few ideas for posts percolating, but could use some suggestions. Anything you want to know? Anything I should avoid like the plague? For other bloggers, what is your favorite device for filling space when you can't think of anything remotely interesting but your last post has been lingering at the top of your page for so long it's starting to smell funky?
I just go out and do something when I don't have anything to write about, which is pretty often. Good thing I'm so busy.
And good luck!!!
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